This paper presents a conceptual architecture for pervasiveadvertising on public displays. It can help researchers andpractitioners to inform the design of future display networks.Due to falling hardware prices we see a strong proliferationof (public) places with displays and it is not only large outdooradvertisers anymore operating them. However, publicdisplays currently fail to attract the attention of the user– a challenge that could be overcome by networking displaysand deploying sensors that allow novel interaction techniquesand engaging user experiences to be created. Onemajor question is how to design an appropriate infrastructurethat caters to the conflicting needs of the involved stakeholders.Users want interesting content and their privacy beingrespected, advertisers want to gather the user’s data, anddisplay owners want to be in control of the content as theyfund the infrastructure. We identify the core components anddiscuss how control can be appropriately distributed amongstakeholders by presenting three different forms of the architecture(user-centered, advertiser-centered, trusted).
«This paper presents a conceptual architecture for pervasiveadvertising on public displays. It can help researchers andpractitioners to inform the design of future display networks.Due to falling hardware prices we see a strong proliferationof (public) places with displays and it is not only large outdooradvertisers anymore operating them. However, publicdisplays currently fail to attract the attention of the user– a challenge that could be overcome by networking displaysand deploying sensors tha...