We formulate an equivariant version of Greenberg’s p-adic Artin conjecture for smoothed equivariant p-adic Artin L-functions in the context of an arbitrary one-dimensional admissible p-adic Lie extension of a totally real number field. As opposed to existing work on this matter, we do not assume that the underlying Galois group G is the direct product of a finite group and
a profinite group isomorphic to Z_p . We study the conjecture by investigating the Wedderburn decomposition of the total ring of quotients of the Iwasawa algebra Λ(G). From this, we deduce validity of the conjecture in several interesting cases. «
We formulate an equivariant version of Greenberg’s p-adic Artin conjecture for smoothed equivariant p-adic Artin L-functions in the context of an arbitrary one-dimensional admissible p-adic Lie extension of a totally real number field. As opposed to existing work on this matter, we do not assume that the underlying Galois group G is the direct product of a finite group and
a profinite group isomorphic to Z_p . We study the conjecture by investigating the Wedderburn decomposition of the total r... »